
Facilities at Kiddie Den
  • Kiddie Den encourages pupil to learn through interactive play and provide them with a variety of hands-on learning activities.
  • Our classes are spacious and can be used to set up various activities and are always in a state of transition to arouse curiosity and give children different educational Experiences.
  • We have created enough space for children to play and learn.
  • Our preschool is situated in a location which is easily accessible and the class have a lot of light and ventilation.
  • Our classrooms are educational, safe, and engaging. They are also multifunctional attractive, engaging and have safe spaces with no clutter.
  • All our furniture i.e., tables, chairs, storage units, toys are all designed and selected to support young children’s independence which takes their physical care and simulates play and learning effortlessly.
  • Good quality preschool furniture without sharp corners are used for different activities. There is place assigned for everything and children are taught keeping everything in its place as it is an important life skill for children to learn.
  • Child friendly and child sized washrooms and basins are fitted at child’s height. We have separate washrooms for girls and boys.
  • Sanitation and hygiene standards are maintained strictly. Secured, protective, safe, environment is our priority!

Each classroom is equipped with German ergonomically designed furniture, a SMART-board, and a computer.

Science Rooms and Art Rooms

The campus has at its disposal science labs, classrooms for art and crafts lessons, and an ICT room.

Dance Hall

The campus a hall for dance, music, and drama classes


The library contained more than 70 000 books, including textbooks, science magazines, works of fiction, and much more.